Friday, March 16, 2007

Second City

I am going to Chicago for the weekend so I may be way too drunk to post anything until Sunday or Monday. I know you will find a way to survive without my wise words. Or I might drunkenly try and post something.


Note to self: When you have "revelations" about anything while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, do not, when/if you are sober, share them with coworkers. They will only point out glaring flaws in your theories and make you feel stupid.


What I got out of the movie "Ray." I should note that I only caught a piece of the movie recently, but I have seen the whole thing before and would recommend it. So what did I get out of the movie? Was it perseverance? Or overcoming a handicap? Or overcoming a drug habit? Or the power of music? No, none of these things. Remember the scene where Ray can hear the humming bird outside? What I got was, if I close my eyes I can hear shit better. Which got me thinking, if I am in a life and death situation such as being pursued by some evil demon in the complete pitch black, where there is absolutely no source of light and thus no need for my eyes, I am better off closing my eyes so I can hear my pursuer before he viciously murders me. Lesson learned Ray. Thanks.


Have you ever been in that zone where your feet are too hot to wear socks, but they are cold if you are barefoot, and you end up wearing them halfway up your foot with the ends hanging off? I love that zone. I live for that zone. It makes me feel like a kid.


So far so good with my NCAA picks. I'm dominate as usual.


I've got a plane to catch, have a good weekend.


cdisab said...

you bastard, going to Chicago! Its for Niraj's birthday, isn't it? How come I wasn't invited? No one cares about me anymore. this is crap.

J said...

I wasn't the one sending out the invitations. You should have just shown up, then team brown would have had a formidable opponent. And, hey, I do care. I slam beers and yell out your name on your birthday or whenever I think it's your birthday. What else do you want!?