Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Bizzaro World Gym

Before I begin I should say that I don't have anything against fat people. It's true I don't find them as attractive as say skinny or "normal" weight people, but fat people are fine with me. I have some fat friends and they are good people. If I wanted them to lose weight I would so only because of the health benefits. Anyway, on to the post:

Why are there so many fat/chubby people at the gym? I understand that fat people are probably the one's that need to hit the gym, but they need to, because they never do. So how is it possible that they are even there? I would think that the people you regularly see at the gym would be in good shape because they go to the gym regularly, right? Not so, there are a lot of fat people. I'd say at least half the people at my gym have a weight problem. If I did see an overweight individual I would expect it to be his first visit in a while, and if I continued to see him, I would expect him to lose some weight and look healthier. This is not the case. The regulars never change. They stay fat. Maybe they are working out incorrectly. Or maybe they work out correctly but then go home and eat Burger King and a case of soda every night. Could I somehow be deceiving myself and be fat myself and not know it? Impossible! That's crazy talk! I am fine tuned machine (like Blue Steel). I eat reasonably well except when I am forcing beer after beer down my throat, and I hit the gym relentlessly. I've had two pieces of fruit already today and I have yet to eat dinner! And I spent an hour and half at the gym. For what? To look at fat asses bounce around on the treadmill? No, to maintain my impeccable physique. Ladies, this body didn't happen by accident (Also going the gym helps me deal with my other problems/frustrations in life, such as, lack of girlfriend and not getting laid... and I am in training for something very important).

In the "cardio" section of the gym I see fat people which doesn't make sense and in the "weight room" I see skinny dudes, which doesn't make sense either. You would expect the dudes in the weight room to have a little muscle right? I don't see any muscle (yes, I was checking out the dudes at the gym, and no I am not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), I was only checking them out to see the competition, and I get tired of staring at myself in the mirror). They are all mostly skinny guys. This is making me crazy. Today I was probably the biggest and skinniest person in the gym at the same time. Although I find this odd and it makes me crazy, at the same time it does wonders for my already overblown ego. I am the best looking thing at that gym.. now that's not bizzaro.

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