Thursday, March 1, 2007

I Wish I Was A Little Bit Taller

I essentially reached my current height when I was about 13 years old (I'm in the 5'8'' to 5'11'' range -I'm not really sure of my exact height). Yes, I towered above everyone else at the time. But then I stopped growing. Now, a lot of those guys tower above me. I often wonder if I reached my full height potential. Maybe I didn't eat enough, or enough of the right foods, when I was a teenager. Maybe if my Mom forced me to eat more vegetables and protein supplements as a teenager I would have continued growing for another 5 years. I could have been freakishly tall, or at least 6'1'' or 6'2.'' Could I have grown enough to enable me to dunk a basketball? If I could dunk, that's all I would do, all day long. I cannot dunk a basketball so I haven't played ball in years.

I really do believe this argument is feasible. I remember a class in college (yes, I went to an occasional class and yes, I remember some of them, although I don't actually remember what class this was) where the professor was talking about a set of identical twins that were separated at birth. One of them was raised in a wealthy family and had plenty to eat, the other lived in poverty and was malnourished. This resulted in the one being properly nourished growing to be a lot taller than the other. I could be making this whole thing up, but it sounds reasonable to me.

As a kid I was pretty skinny (not the man-beast I am now). I hadn't developed a lot the extraordinarily strong and lean muscle mass that is now attached to my bones. If it was in me to be capable of building some muscle when I was in college, maybe when I was younger I could have grown taller? I do sometimes think that my upper body is a little bit disproportionately long compared to my legs (maybe a member of the opposite sex can help me confirm this.. fine, I will just do it myself). Perhaps my legs were meant to be a few inches longer? I imagine that I would so much better and more successful had I been just a few inches taller.

Tall guys make more money, get laid often, and generally have more self confidence. I make decent money, get laid rarely -if at all, and am not self confident (unless I have been drinking, or thinking about, dreaming of, looking at, sitting in, or driving blue steel -at these times my self confidence is through the roof). Would I have that feeling all the time had I been taller? Imagine what an asshole I would have been. It would be awesome.

The counterarguments to this would be that even though I was skinny as a kid, I did have a little bit of meat on my bones (usually in the wrong places). This meat served me well in the coming years of lifting weights and generating the most proficient muscle known to man. So this extra food could have been used to make me taller and therefore slightly skinnier. I was well fed and never went to bed hungry (but I did get to eat candy and drink soda). I had good parents. Also, there are plenty of examples of short people becoming successful and doing great things. Look at Hollywood. All of those guys are short but they are desired by lots of women, emulated by many men, and make millions. Or take my friend, A, for example. She is on the short side, but she is on her way to becoming one of the most powerful lawyers.. ever.. no joke. So maybe I am just using my height as an excuse for not being a God.. yet. Besides, I am probably at least average in height.


Bryan said...

I hate this post.

J said...

Because you are shorter than me?