Monday, February 19, 2007

The Future of Blog & Other Thoughts

The future of my blog is good. I'd say it's grand actually. I am planning several things that nobody in their right mind would want to read, but I am not in my right mind, whatever that is. I hope you aren't either. My friend, B Bone, has an ongoing series of posts on his blog about women he would like to date. I am going to take the suggestion I gave him and use it as my own and create a series of posts entitled "women I would not like to date." Look for it. I am in the preliminary stages of planning a series of posts called "drunken poems/thoughts." Somehow I did not become drunk (or drunk enough to induce poem/thought writing, or was I so drunk that the language center of my brain completely shut down?) this weekend so it could take a week or so to get some good poems going. Stay tuned. Also look for an upcoming boredom scale and find out how bored you really are while at work.


Now that I have a blog I find myself using a dictionary more often to see if I really know the meaning of the words I am using, whereas before I would write emails and use words while speaking and just act like I knew what their meanings were when in truth, I probably didn't. So far so good though; for most of the words I use, I actually know what their meanings are. It's just too bad that grammar, punctuation and sentence structure haven't followed suit. Thank the Gods for spell check. For those wondering, yea I went to college.


I parked Blue Steel on top of about 6 inches of ice this evening when I visited my buddy, Hawn, for some gears of war, pizza and 24. It took me a little while to get that baby out of there. I had to oh so gently rock her back and forth to pop her out. Then I hit 70mph on a 45mph speed limit road on the way home. I really need a radar/laser detector. Still hitting that speed and conquering the snow and ice warrants 2 points so:

Blue Steel 6
World 0
Willing to take on other competitors.

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